An extra Birkie Juniors session is on tomorrow (Thursday).
Be ready to go at clubhouse at 10am.
Skate technique with Victor and Alecia. (11-15 years 2013)
See you there!
Further info?
Ronice – 0409332642
An extra Birkie Juniors session is on tomorrow (Thursday).
Be ready to go at clubhouse at 10am.
Skate technique with Victor and Alecia. (11-15 years 2013)
See you there!
Further info?
Ronice – 0409332642
These programs are provided free to members. Instruction is provided by experienced members and club coaches.
If you would like to learn as a beginner or develop your skills in an intermediate sessions please book as outlined below.
More sessions may become available and will be announced as soon as possible.
Bookings are required so that enough instructors can be arranged and any changes notified to participants.
Please book at least 24 hrs. before a session.
BEGINNER (in conjunction with Junior Joey program)
Saturday 20th July. Meeting at the Clubhouse 11am.
Saturday 10th August. Meeting in the Nordic Bowl 11am.
Saturday 13th July. Nordic Bowl 1:30pm – 3pm.
Wednesday 24th July. Club House 1:30pm-3pm.
Wednesday 7th August. Club House 1:30pm-3pm.
Saturday 10th August. Nordic Bowl 1:30pm-3pm.
Elaine Thomas will take bookings for places on any program before 24th July at
Jim Gargan will take bookings for places on any program after 24th July at
The July 2013 Birkebeiner Bulletin is now available for viewing on-line as a pdf file (0.9 MB). It will open in your internet browser when you click the link below. Or you can download the pdf file to your computer. (Right click the link below and select ‘Download Linked File…. or ‘Download Linked Target…’ depending on the browser you use).
You can also navigate via the Birkie website to Newsletters to view the Bulletin.
When: Thursday 25th July
Where: Roi’s Diner Restaurant, 179 Kiewa Valley Hwy, Tawonga
Time: 6:30pm
Cost: $20.00 per head (please note: The club is subsidising the meal by $15.00 per head). Drinks are not included.
Club members will enjoy a delicious 2 course dinner. There will be some choice on the set menu. Vegetarians and others can be catered for, but please advise when you RSVP.
RSVP to Kerry Lucas by Monday 22nd of July.
Tel: (03) 5754 1341, Email: or Mobile: 0407 814114
Please come and enjoy this great night!
The June 2013 Birkebeiner Bulletin is now available for viewing on-line as a pdf file (2.1 MB). It will open in your internet browser when you click the link below. Or you can download the pdf file to your computer. (Right click the link below and select ‘Download Linked File…. or ‘Download Linked Target…’ depending on the browser you use).
You can also navigate via the Birkie website to Newsletters to view the Bulletin.
The club has secured another grant to subsidise vests for the club’s juniors and, this year, also for adults. Buying and wearing a club vest is a great way to be associated with our fantastic club!
The vests will be 290gsm low-pill navy blue polar fleece with two pockets. The club name will be embroidered on the back, and the club logo and name on a sewn badge on the front. The subsidised cost to members is $15.00.
Important — Place your order by email to Marg Trnka with the numbers and sizes (refer to the chart below). Email:
Pay by direct credit to the club’s bank account and reference it with your surname and “vest” to identify the payment, e.g. “Jones vests”. Details are:
Account name: Birkebeiner Nordic Ski Club Inc.
BSB: 063722
Account #: 10012154
Orders close — Monday 10th of June 2013
When: 6.00 pm Saturday 8th June 2013
Where: Bogong Outdoor Education Centre, Bogong Village.
RSVP: By Wednesday 5th June to Kerry Lucas (Social Secretary)
Email: Tel: 5754 1341, Mob: 0407 814 114
What’s on?
The 2013 Birkie Junior Development Camp Applications are now open. The two day camp will be held on Monday 8th to Tuesday 9th July using the Bogong Outdoor Education Centre for accommodation and skiing at Falls Creek. The camp is open to students in years 5 to 8. Applications close Saturday 6th July.
You can download the Camp Information (pdf) and the Application Form (Word doc) by visiting the Club’s website under Programs > Junior Camps
Also visit the Junior Joey section under Programs > Junior Joeys on the Club’s website to view this seasons program including a new series of introductory races called the Snowgum Wodonga Mini Series.
Membership fees are the same as last year and have not changed for 10 years. They are due on 1st June and must be paid before 30th June. Early payment would be appreciated. Click this link to renew: 2013/14 Membership
At the AGM held on Wednesday 15th May the following people were elected to the committee:
Ordinary Members