Hi Everyone
See below Futures flyer supported by Ski and Snowboard Australia (SSA). The intention of this is just the get the event and date out (SSA Futures XC Sessions — 20-22 Sept. ’13 at Falls Creek) there with this preliminary flyer. Activities will include: On Snow – skate and classic technique and ski specific circuit training at Falls Creek. A no snow plan will include an intro to rollerskiing and alternative dryland activities such as hillbounding, rogaine, ski specific fun “fitness games”.
The target group is developing skiers from grade 5 and 6 to year 9 NOT in the Vic Junior XC Ski Team. It may appeal to year 10 skiers if they are keen.
National team coaches and members will be providing coaching. The usual SSA format is “day camp”, but accommodation at YMCA Howmans Gap has been booked and will be made available at summer rates. Local families can travel up on the Saturday and Sunday. Further information will be posted online by SSA.
When registration is open on the SSA website, I will alert you. In the meantime, if interested feel free to reply to <ronice.goebel@gmail.com>.
Ronice Goebel
Manager Vic Junior XC Ski Team
Website: www.skiandsnowboard.org.au