2014 Birkie Junior Development Camp – FULL

Please note, applications for the 2014 Birkie Junior Development Camp are now CLOSED.

All places have been filled by 30 keen juniors. Now we just need snow!

A Reminder — The 2014/15 Membership fees were due on 1st June and are payable by 30th June. Click [HERE] to pay on-line.

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Casserole Pre-Season Dinner – Sat 14th June

When: 6.00 pm Saturday 14th June 2014
Where: Outdoor School – Bogong Village
RSVP: By Wednesday 11th June to Kerry Lucas (Social Secretary)
Emailkm.lucas@bigpond.com Tel: 5754 1341, Mob: 0407 814 114

  • Parking — It would be best to drop off food and passengers then park down at  Bogong Jack’s Cafe.
  • Food — Bring food to share (singles – a casserole or dessert, families – casserole and dessert), plus your own drinks and glasses. There are plastic beakers for kids’ drinks. Plates and utensils are provided.
  • Children– Main course dinner for the children will be served first at 6.30 and then be supervised by some of the older children.

This year we have a very special Guest Speaker:

Screenie 2014-06-03 at 11.55.44 amTue, 3 Jun 14Adventurer and author, Tim Cope will share his experiences of “The Trail of Genghis Khan.” Inspired by a desire to understand the nomadic way of life, he embarked on a remarkable journey: 6,000 miles on horseback across the Eurasian steppe from Mongolia, through Kazakhstan, Russia, and the Ukraine, to Hungary retracing the trail of Genghis Khan.

Tim has received accolades internationally for his documentary films, and writing – most recent, his book ‘On the Trail of Genghis Khan’ won the Grand Prize at the 2013 Banff International Mountain Book Festival, and was short-listed in the non-fiction category of the Australian Book Industry Awards. (see www.timcopejourneys.com and  www.facebook.com/timcopejourneys).

Tim is hoping to use the night’s presentation to fund-raise for two charities that he works with: The Down Syndrome Association Of Mongolia, and a school dormitory project for nomad school children in the village of Khovd in Western Mongolia. Please note: A $10-15 donation (for adults at the dinner) to the charity would be very much appreciated.

Tim will also be selling, and signing his book and DVD’s on the night ($30 each or one of each for $50!)

  • Second hand equipment sale (bring it along, someone may buy it. Label it with your name and the asking price).
  • DVDs and other activities for the kids.
  • Lots of talk, It’s a great night to meet members & get fired up for the coming season.
  • The Ian Ryan Club Award will be presented.
  • New & old members most welcome.
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2014/15 Membership & New Committee

Membership fees have increased for the first time in over 10 years. They are due on 1st June and must be paid before 30th June. Early payment would be appreciated. Click this link to renew 2014/15 Membership and pay on-line.

Don’t forget our Annual Casserole Dinner at the Outdoor School – Bogong on Saturday 14th June from 5:30pm onwards. Great food, great company, plenty of room for the kids and a prominent guest speaker this year.

At the AGM held on Wednesday 21st May the following people were elected to the committee: Continue reading

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2014 Birkie Junior Development Camp Applications now open

The 2014 Birkie Junior Development Camp Applications are now open. The two day camp will be held on Monday 7th to Tuesday 8th July 2014 using the Outdoor School – Bogong Village for accommodation and skiing at Falls Creek. The camp is open to students in years 5 to 8. Applications close Saturday 5th July 2014.

You can download the Camp Information (pdf) and the Application Form (Word doc) by visiting the Club’s website under Programs > Junior Camps

Also visit the Junior Joey section under Programs > Junior Joeys on the Club’s website to view this seasons program including a series of introductory fun races called the Snow, Trek & Travel Mini Series.

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Annual General Meeting – Wed. 21st May 2014

The Clubs 37th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held this Wednesday night 21st May 2014 starting at 7:30pm in the Auditorium (next to the Kangaroo Hoppet Office) of the Mt Beauty Visitor Information Centre. The meeting reports on the past years activities including reports from the following: president, treasurer, race, junior, clubhouse and search & rescue committees. Office bearers and ordinary committee members will be elected.

Please attend and support the club.

A great supper will be served following the meeting with lots of socialising included.

If you are interested in an executive position or as an ordinary committee member please  let our secretary Trish Cross know. A Nomination Form was included in the May newsletter which is available on the club’s website. The club also has a number of sub-committees i.e. race, junior, clubhouse and search & rescue. If you would like to assist on one of these please indicate your interest to the secretary — Telephone: (03) 5754 4323 or Email: trishacross@bigpond.com

The Weekend Working Bees  — Saturday’s trails working bee had 23 in attendance. A terrific turnout. Thanks to Jim Gargan who co-ordinated all the work and to Helen L’Huillier for the BBQ lunch. For Sunday’s clubhouse working bee there were 17 volunteers. Thanks to Bron & Paul Gray for coordinating the clean-up.

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Birkebeiner Bulletin – May 2014

The May 2014 Birkebeiner Bulletin is now available for viewing on-line as a pdf file (2.3 MB). It will open in your internet browser when you click the link below. Or you can download the pdf file to your computer. (Right click the link below and select ‘Download Linked File…. or ‘Download Linked Target…’ depending on the browser you use).

You can also navigate via the Birkie website to Newsletters to view the Bulletin.

Birkebeiner Bulletin – May 2014

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Club – Pre-Season Activities

Screenie 2014-04-29 at 1.33.37 pmTue, 29 Apr 14

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Falls Creek XC Ski Trails Working Bee Weekend – 17/18 May 2014

Possible jobs in conjunction with Falls Creek Resort.

  • Erecting mesh fencing on the Dam Wall.
  • Repositioning snow poles in Sun Valley.
  • Mowing tracks about the Nordic Bowl  and Hoppet Start. (Nordic Bowl and Hoppet Start have already been slashed)
  • Restricting access behind Race Hut. (Last year 2 kids were buried when snow fell off the roof)
  • Tidy up storage in Race Hut and Horse Yard Hut.
  • Improve access to Horse Yard Hut.

Possible jobs in conjunction with Parks Victoria

  • Erecting 3 portable experimental snow fences at Langford’s Gap.  (supplied by Parks)
  • Maintenance work on Pauls’ Track.
  • Establishing alternate route for Langford Loop from Watchbed Creek corner.
  • Erecting direction signs for Birkebeiner and Hoppet courses.

A BBQ lunch will be provided by Birkebeiner Nordic Ski Club on both days. (BNSC will also have a Clubhouse working bee on the Sunday)

Low cost accommodation may be available in Mount Beauty and Tawonga South for Friday and Saturday nights.

Please let Jim know by Wednesday 14th May if you can make it for all or any of the weekend. Any information about special skills or specialist tools appreciated. (e.g. have chainsaw and can use, brushcutter, power trimmer on pole, trailer, heavy duty mower, etc.)

Contact: Jim Gargan — Email: <gargan@internode.on.net>
or  Telephone: (03) 5754 1785

— Help make Falls Creek’s great Cross-Country ski trails even better —

Hope to see you there.
Jim Gargan (Co-ordinator)

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Dryland SSA Futures Cross Country Ski Camp– Wangaratta 10/11 May


Wangaratta will host a Dryland SSA Futures Cross Country Ski Camp on the weekend of the 10/11 May.

Futures is a Ski & Snowboard Australia athlete development and talent identification program. SSA Futures has a vision to further develop the opportunities and resources for athletes involved in the SSA athlete pathway. These camps are open to skiers of all abilities between the ages of 12-18 although younger skiers may be considered.

Athletes will benefit from expert coaching from national level coaches and athletes.

Following the Futures Camp, athletes will be provided with information on how to join the NSW Cross Country Programs and the Victorian Junior Team and Victorian Development Team.

Fast and Female Australia will be running a power hour for female athletes who are part of the SSA Future Camps in Wangaratta as well.

Wangaratta parents are happy to host any kids who would like to stay overnight in Wangaratta, if that helps rather than travel from Mt Beauty and other parts of the Kiewa Valley.

For more information on SSA Future Cross Country Ski Camps and to sign up visit <SSA Futures XC Ski Camp Registration>. Click the image that appears for more information and to register.

Alternatively, contact Nick GrimmerMob: 0458185 485 and Email: <grimmer.nick@yahoo.com>

Registrations close—  5pm 9th May 2014.


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Falls Ck – Early Bird Season Permit Sales Close 5pm Apr 30th

You can now purchase your 2014 Falls Creek Season permit at the Early Bird price of $275. This price is for online sales only which you can access by clicking this link <www.fallscreek.com.au/ResortEntry>. Early Bird sales are open until 5pm April 30th.


Visitors aged 65 and over (at time of purchase) can purchase Falls Creek only Resort Entry permits (not available for All Resorts Permits) at a 10% discount of the regular rate ($247.50 via online sales) with proof of age and vehicle ownership. 

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