Birkebeiners at World Championships – Falun Sweden

The Club has five skiers (out of a team of eleven) and three officials representing Australia at the upcoming World Senior Championships in Falun, Sweden 18th February to 1st March 2015.  

Skiers are:

Esther Bottomley

Esther Bottomley

Phillip Bellingham

Phillip Bellingham

Anna Trnka

Anna Trnka

Paul Kovacs

Paul Kovacs

Image 2015-02-18 at 10.47.51 amWed, 18 Feb 15

Casey Wright

Casey Wright

Officials are: Head Coach, Finn Marsland, Coach, JC Legras, and Manager, Brian Keeble.

Click [HERE] for Finn’s Championship preview.

The events can be followed live via FIS timing and will be broadcast on Eurosport Australia via Foxtel. Live results and video can also be viewed via the World Championship apps , using the latest interactive technology. Search for Falun 2015 on your device.

Finn will have regular updates on

For the Official Championship website click [HERE]

The Club wishes skiers and officials all the best over the coming two weeks of races.

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Falls Creek Signage Working Bee

The Club in junction with the Falls Creek Resort Management (FCRM) conducted a very successful working bee on Sunday 18th January with 19 club members attending.

Background to the Working Bee
The Falls Creek Resort Management (FCRM) has agreed to undertake a total revamp of the cross country trail signage system at Falls Creek.  Geoff Sorensen has been appointed by FCRM to manage the project and has developed a timetable which should result in a high percentage of the system being in place before the start of the 2015 ski season.

The first stage of the project was to remove most of the existing signs, poles, fencing and gates and to reposition some poles in preparation for the new signs to be attached. This was done at the working bee.

The Club would like to thank the following for volunteering on the day.

  • Brian Keeble (Working Bee Co-ordinator)
  • Greg & Allison Beanland
  • Andrew & Kate Prest
  • Russ & Ann Bellingham
  • Charles Clark
  • Steve Swan
  • Norm Michener
  • Doug Hamilton
  • Koarina Lindell
  • Ian Franzke
  • Blair Hume
  • Jim Crebbin
  • Bob Flower
  • Paul Gray
  • Allan Marsland
  • Geoff Sorenson (FCRM)

Blair Hume

Blair Hume

Ian Franzke assisted by Bethany & Rosie

Ian Franzke assisted by Bethany & Rosie

Geoff Sorenson doing serious work

Geoff Sorenson (FCRM) doing serious work

Drain work 2

Greg Beanland (left), Doug Hamilton (front) & Bob Flower (back)

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BNSC/Falls Creek Working Bee – Sun 18th Jan 2015

Start Time — 9.00 am at Hoppet Office in Mt Beauty (for car-pooling) OR 10.00 am at the Nordic Bowl Race Hut at Falls Creek.

The Falls Creek Resort Management (FCRM) has agreed to undertake a total revamp of the cross country trail signage system at Falls Creek.  Geoff Sorensen has been appointed by FCRM to manage the project and has developed a timetable which should result in a high percentage of the system being in place before the start of the 2015 ski season.

The first stage of the project is to remove most of the existing signs, poles, fencing and gates and to reposition some poles in preparation for the new signs to be attached.

Working Bee Tasks

  1. Remove sign posts and signs that have/will become redundant.
  2. Remove some fencing, gates and posts at the entrance into the Nordic Bowl and in the horse yard area.
  3. Repositioning of some snow poles in preparation for the new signs.


  • Appropriate working cloths, footwear and gloves
  • Shovel and crowbar suitable for digging post holes.
  • Lunch and water bottle.


  • Geoff Sorensen will have access to some FCRM machinery which will help in the removal of the redundant posts.
  • I will bring my trailer which will help move posts around and to make a post stock pile for future use.


  • RSVP to Brian Keeble: Tel: (03) 5754 4910, Mob: 0409461489 or Email: by Thursday 15th January, 2015,
  • The more club volunteers we can muster the easier and quicker the job will be.
  • 8 to 10 volunteers would be great.
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Wooden Pallets wanted for XC Ski Trails

Ross Forrest and Geoff Sorensen our well-loved
Falls Creek trail groomers are on theImage 2014-12-06 at 6.29.41 pmSat, 6 Dec 14 lookout for wooden pallets.

Placing wooden pallets on XC Ski Trails in wet boggy areas prior to winter helps consolidate, protect and maintain snow cover. This strategy will minimise time spent repairing water damage to ski trails and means more time can be spent “grooming”.

Over summer, they hope to collect about 30 pallets. If you have access to a supply of unwanted pallets or have even one, we would be glad to take them. They can be taken to the Hoppet Office in Mt Beauty or to the Birkebeiner Clubhouse at Windy Corner Falls Creek.

Contact : Jim Crebbin — Tel: 5754 4586, Email: <>

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2014/2015 National XC Ski Teams & Overseas Program

From left: Casey Wright & Esther Bottomley

From left: Casey Wright & Esther Bottomley

Ten Birkebeiner members have been named in the national senior and junior teams heading overseas this northern winter.

Birkebeiner is also well represented by coaches and officials supporting these skiers. Namely, Finn Marsland (National Coach & Program Director), Brian Keeble (Manager at World Senior Championships), JC Legras (Coach, World Senior Championships) and Allison McArdle (Coach, World Junior/U23 Championships.

The club wishes all teams every success.

Click [HERE] for team lists, season preview and full overseas program itinerary.

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Clubhouse Survey Wrap

Everything you need

Everything you need

Our president Ronice Goebel has published the following summary re the recent Clubhouse Survey.

There is movement at “the station” aka the Club House.

Thanks to Tony Keeble for the “Clubhouse Survey” and getting the ball rolling, and to Paul L’Huillier, Jim Crebbin, Brian Keeble, Trish our trusty secretary, and others for work and feedback so far.

Below is a summary of the Survey and feedback from those who responded.

Continue reading

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Falls Creek Village Master Plan 2014 (Draft) has been prepared

Image 2014-11-27 at 1.30.16 pmThu, 27 Nov 15

Falls Creek Resort Management is pleased to inform you that the Falls Creek Village Master Plan 2014 (Draft) has been prepared.

The document is on exhibition and is open for public comment until Sunday 7th December 2014.


summary of the Master Plan has been published along with an Interactive Masterplan Presentation. Click the links.

For more information and more detail visit

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Alice Hamilton email address correction

Alice Hamilton’s RSVP reply email address for the End of Season BBQ should be:

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Annual End of Season BBQ – Sun 23 Nov ’14

    • When: Sunday 23rd November.
    • Where: In the picnic area by the lake in Mount Beauty.
    • Time: From 5.30 p.m.

What to bring

We will provide the meat (and vegie burgers for those who prefer them), as well as bread and sauce.

You’ll need to bring your own chair, cutlery, plates, drinks, plus, for families, a salad and a sweet to share (singles and couples – please bring a salad OR a sweet to share).

RSVP to Alice Hamilton by Wednesday 19th November:
Email: or mobile: 0419 349 319

As a courtesy to Alice, please let her know you will be coming and if you need vegetarian food (or else BYO meat!!) If you don’t reply, we will assume you are not coming so we don’t over-order. It also makes it easier to contact you if the weather necessitates a change of venue.

If you decide to come at the last minute, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN MEAT!

For those of you who don’t live locally, there is much to enjoy about Mt Beauty and Falls Creek at this time of year…

    • Swimming in Mt Beauty’s solar heated pool or in the river.
    • Fishing and canoeing in the pondage, the Kiewa River or up at Rocky Valley Dam
    • Cycling on or off-road, mountain bike trails, High Plains aqueducts, BMX track.
    • Hiking and picnicking at Bogong Village or on the High Plains
    • Four wheel driving.

Why not stay for the weekend? There are motels, apartments, cabins, camping or caravan parks. Visit

Come and join us on Sunday evening 23rd November.

Best wishes
 Ronice Goebel – 

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Birkebeiner Bulletin – October 2014

The October 2014 Birkebeiner Bulletin is now available for viewing on-line as a pdf file (1.4 MB).

To view the latest Birkie Bulletin all you need to do is click the link in this email message and the pdf file will open in your web browser. Note: You do not need to go to the website to read the newsletter.

Alternatively, if you wish to save the newsletter to your computer you need to go to the club’s website <Newsletters> and download the Birkie Bulletin pdf file. (Right click the link and select ‘Save Link As…. or ‘Download Linked File As…’ depending on the browser you use). Past issues can also be accessed on the site.

Birkebeiner Bulletin – October 2014


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