Birkebeiner Bulletin – May 2016

Image 2016-04-26 at 8.07.12 PMTue, 26 Apr 16is now available for viewing as a pdf file.

To view the latest Birkie Bulletin, all you need to do is click the link in this email message and the pdf file will open in your web browser. Hint: To enlarge the text on the web page, use the following keyboard shortcuts: Windows: hold down Control then type +, Apple: hold down Command then type +

Alternatively, if you wish to save the newsletter to your computer, there are two options: 1. Save it from your Browser (File > Save) or 2. Go to the club’s website <Newsletters> and download the Birkie Bulletin pdf file. Hint: Right click the link and select ‘Save Link As…. or ‘Download Linked File As…’ depending on the browser you use. Past issues can also be accessed on the site.

Birkebeiner Bulletin – May 2016

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Ski & Snowboard Australia – National Participation Committee (Expressions of Interest Sought)

Dear Member and Interested Person,

Under the directive of the Australian Sports Commission, SSA has a responsibility to encourage more Australians, particularly young Australians to participate in sport more often, whether at school or with local communities and clubs.

Interschools Snowsports remains the single biggest entry point for grass roots participation in competitive snowsports. In recent times SSA has created additional grass roots engagement via Snowracer and the recently launched “Little Shredders” under the Sporting Schools Programme.

To this end, and as one of its ongoing strategic priorities, the SSA Board has resolved to establish a National Participation Committee (”NPC”) to provide appropriate expertise and input on the development and operation of this important objective.

Accordingly, SSA now seeks Expressions of Interest (EOI) from suitable individuals willing to be appointed to the NPC. Successful applicants are likely to have an involvement in and understanding of grass roots sport development but also an appreciation of the sport’s full development pathway.

A structural overview of the SSA NPC is set out in the SSA NPC Terms of Delegation document which includes:

• Role of the SSA NPC;
• Committee membership indicative criteria;
• Committee membership composition and selection procedures;
• Meeting procedures; and
• Reporting requirements to SSA Board.

Interested individuals should forward their EOI taking into account the position paper, detailing their experience and suitability.

An indicative timetable for the appointment process is as follows.

• 23rd April 2016 Closing date for EOI
• Early May 2016 Short List settled
• Late May 2016 Interviews completed as necessary
• Start June 2016 Announcement of new NPC Membership.

For further information, please contact SSA,


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Skike Australia Victorian Ski Chase Announcement – April 2016

Greetings Skiers,

Hopefully you all have had a wonderful summer, and/or northern winter, and are now starting to think about this upcoming southern winter.

As many of you know, the Victorian Ski Chase is organised and run by Ski Cross Country Victoria (SXCV) on behalf of Snow Sports Australia (SSA), and is designed to encourage participation in Victorian citizen XC ski races. While the fun of participation in these many great events is motivation enough, we once again have prizes to add to the excitement.

We are very fortunate to have our naming sponsor Skike Australia back on board ( offering another pair of v07 PLUS skike’s as the major draw prize.   Rochford Wines ( will also be supporting us again with four $100 gift vouchers as prizes.

We are also hopeful that we will benefit from generous donors for the junior cash prizes.  Thanks again to our anonymous donors from previous years, and Melbourne Nordic Ski Club and Skike Force for their donations last year.

This year we have an extra event on the Ski Chase calendar:

  • Victorian Roller Ski / Skike Championships (Sunday 1 May at Lake Mountain, details below)

Why add this event?  To be fair to our sponsors it was decided that the Ski Chase will be cancelled if ever there are fewer than four events run (open to all people).  The addition of the roller ski event thus reduces the likelihood of cancellation.

Note: All previous Ski Chase participants are automatically registered in the 2016 competition. For new registrations, follow this link:

See for more details. (This link should be updated in a day or two.)

Victorian Roller Ski  / Skike Championship — event details:

While listed as a championship race, it is open to skiers of all abilities, with long and short options.

The championship event runs from the ticket box to Gerratys car park Lake Mountain, a distance of 10 km.  The shorter option of 4.5 km, is ideal for beginner-intermediate skiers.  The full 10 km option would also be fine for relatively fit intermediate skiers (and super-fit beginners).

A limited number of roller skis and skikes together with adjustable length skike one4ALL carbon fibre poles will be available for hire, for those who do not have their own equipment.

For skike hire enquiries: e-mail or call 0417 352 845

For roller ski hire enquiries:  e-mail or call 0488 642 782

If you want to give skiking a go after the event, Skike Australia will have skikes to try at the finish line in Gerratys car park.

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Falls Creek Resort early bird entry passes, Coach Level 0, Roller Ski Champs, AUSXC Awards Dinner & Junior Coaching

Falls Creek Resort early bird entry passes now available — $295. Over 65 years $245. Save $30. Click [HERE]. Closes 30th April.

Australian Roller Ski Championships — Saturday 9th April, Stromlo Forest Park, Canberra ACT. Click [HERE] for information and entry.

AUSXC Awards Dinner — Saturday 9th April at The Clubhouse, 27 Lakeview Gardens, Jerrabomberra NSW starting at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for kids, available via up until Monday April 4. All skiing enthusiasts are welcome, not just those involved in the rollerski races.

Level O Coaching Course — Saturday April 9th, 2 pm to 5 pm, Canberra. Fee $90. Click [HERE] to register online.

These courses are designed for coaches, teachers and parents working with athletes at interschool level, and focus on dryland preparation for the winter. Training techniques covered include ski bounding and roller skiing. Participants will come away with the latest technical knowledge, skill development progressions and 3 easy to follow lesson plans to help engage and prepare athletes for when the snow starts falling.

Nordic Ski Academy (Ewan Watson)

Mighty Minis - Rollerski

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Search & Rescue Group wins Alpine Shire Australia Day Award

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Some of the group members, pictured from left:  Jim Gargan, Jarrod Paine, Bill Little, Bob Flower, Tony Keeble (Shire Councilor who presented the Award and also a member), Marty Eriksson and founding member, Bruce Vine.

The Alpine Shire 2016 Organisation of the Year was awarded to the Birkebeiner Nordic Ski Club Search & Rescue Group which has been called-out for rescues in the region’s high plains and remote areas 80 times since its formation in 1982 (33 years). The Group was formed through the initiative of Bruce Vine.

On searches, the Group works under the direction of the Victorian Police S&R and is affiliated with Bush Search & Rescue – Victoria.

The Group has had only three coordinators over its 33 years history i.e. Bruce Vine (1982-1994 – 13 yrs), Phil Evans (1995-2011 – 17 yrs) and currently Ian Franzke from 2012+.

This award is great recognition for many years of community service from the Club’s S&R Group. Congratulations.

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2016 AUS Rollerski Champs & AUSXC Awards Dinner

The 2016 Australian Rollerski Championships will be held on Saturday April 9 at the Stromlo Forest Park in Canberra. This year there is also a new social event on the schedule – the inaugural AUSXC Awards Dinner!

This will be the fourth year of Australian Rollerski Championships since they were reintroduced after an extended hiatus. The same two events as in 2015 will be contested again out at Stromlo – a Freestyle Sprint and a Freestyle Criterium. The reigning champions for both events are Damon Morton of Australian Biathlon fame and Slovenian Winter Olympian Barbara Jezersek. Rollerski demo equipment and races prizes are on offer from event sponsor Snow Trek & Travel. See Event Flier for more details.

Traditionally the Cross Country Skier of the Year and Junior Cross Country Skier of the Year are awarded at the Ski & Snowboard Australia Awards night in Melbourne, at the same time that they are nominated in the overall Athlete and Junior Athlete of the Year categories. This year all the cross country skiing nominations for the SSA Awards will be announced at the AUSXC Awards, together with other categories that are still being finalised.

The AUSXC Awards Dinner will be held at The Clubhouse at Lakeview Gardens in Jerrabomberra. The evening will also feature images and footage from Australian Team athletes recently returned from overseas and from the 2015 Australian winter. Tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for kids, available via up until Monday April 4. All skiing enthusiasts are welcome, not just those involved in the rollerski races.

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Annual End of Season BBQ – Sun 22nd Nov ’15

    • When: Sunday 22nd November.
    • Where: In the picnic area by the lake in Mount Beauty.
    • Time: From 5.30 p.m.

What to bring

We will provide the meat (and vegie burgers for those who prefer them), as well as bread and sauce.

You’ll need to bring your own chair, cutlery, plates, drinks, plus, for families, a salad and a sweet to share (singles and couples – please bring a salad OR a sweet to share).

RSVP to Kerry Lucas (social secretary) by Wednesday 18th November:
Email: <> or Mobile: 0419 349 319

As a courtesy to Kerry, please let her know you will be coming and if you need vegetarian food (or else BYO meat!!) If you don’t reply, we will assume you are not coming so we don’t over-order. It also makes it easier to contact you if the weather necessitates a change of venue.

If you decide to come at the last minute, please bring your own meat!

Club News
National Teams — Good Luck and safe travels to Birkie skiers in Senior and Junior National Teams heading overseas for training and competition this Northern Winter.

Namely, Phil Bellingham who is on a mission to crack the top 30 in World Cup Sprint events in Europe and Canada. Phil will be doing an intense training block in Falun Sweden and headed off in October. Paul Kovacs heads to Alaska and Casey Wright will be taking up a Uni Sports scholarship in Anchorage Alaska. Kat Paul is planning to ski well in Rasnov Romania at the World Junior Championships. Best wishes to any Masters skiers heading overseas — Ronice Goebel (President)

Congratulations to Phil Bellingham – At the recent 2015 Alpine Shire Youth Awards Phil won the Sports Award and the Youth Award 18-24 years.

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Discover XC (new website) – Boosting Participation

Image 2015-10-26 at 6.20.18 PMMon, 26 Oct 15

The Ski & Snowboard Australia Cross Country Committee is excited to announce the launch of Discover XC, an introductory web portal that aims to boost cross country skiing grassroots participation. The new website has been put together in partnership with Ski Cross Country Victoria and the Australian Sports Foundation’s Giving for Grassroots project.

Designed to be mobile/tablet friendly, Discover XC showcases the many different faces of the sport and provides practical information and tips for beginners of all ages. Whether people might be interested in finding a healthy recreational alternative, keeping fit during winter, discovering snow-fun for the whole family, exploring the alpine back-country, seeking an adrenaline rush or taking up ski racing, Discover XC and cross country skiing has something for everyone.

“It can be very difficult to get started in the sport without an inside connection,” said Kate Prest, one of the key drivers of the project from Camberwell in Melbourne. “A cousin introduced me to the sport as a teenager, I got my family into it and now we’re all hooked. With Discover XC we are trying to break down participation barriers and create easier pathways into the sport.”

The next phase of the Discover XC project focuses on promotion in schools, using a mobile unit to travel around providing information on how to get started and demonstrating the sport using rollerskis. Also in the wings is an overhaul of the National XC website  to provide more information on Australian cross country ski racing. is now live for people to browse. For more information on getting started in the sport…click on the Get Started section!

Editor – Kate Prest (BNSC), Robbie Catto-Smith and Finn Marsland (BNSC) have been the driving force behind this project and have put together a first class website. Well done and thank you.

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Birkebeiner Bulletin – October 2015

The Birkebeiner Bulletin — October 2015 is now available for viewing as a pdf file.

To view the latest Birkie Bulletin, all you need to do is click the link in this email message and the pdf file will open in your web browser. Hint: To enlarge the text on the web page, use the following keyboard shortcuts: Windows: hold down Control then type +, Apple: hold down Command then type +

Alternatively, if you wish to save the newsletter to your computer, there are two options: 1. Save it from your Browser (File > Save) or 2. Go to the club’s website <Newsletters> and download the Birkie Bulletin pdf file. Hint: Right click the link and select ‘Save Link As…. or ‘Download Linked File As…’ depending on the browser you use. Past issues can also be accessed on the site.

Birkebeiner Bulletin – October 2015

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Do you want to join the Birkebeiner ‘Timing Team’?

Image 2015-09-23 at 8.17.29 pmWed, 23 Sep 15This season the Club got serious about the timing of major National races and invested $10,300 in a new timing system called ‘Race Results’.

Michal Trnka (Chief of Timing) leant the bases of new system quickly and put it into practice at the Junior Nationals and again at the Senior Nationals. It proved very successful and the Club is looking at expanding its capabilities in 2016.

The inaugural Race Results Conference is being held on the weekend of 17/18 October in Melbourne. Michal is attending. The Club is looking for other interested members who might wish to learn the timing system to assist in conducting events in the future. An interest in IT would be necessary plus a commitment to follow through as a member of the timing team.

If you wish to be involved and possibly attend the Melbourne Conference you need to let Paul L’Huillier know by Sunday 27th September as Conference places are limited. Contact details: Mobile: 0400 056 247 or Email: <>

Click [HERE] to view the Conference Program

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