Birkebeiner Bulletin – August 2016

Image 2016-07-31 at 8.42.40 PMSun, 31 Jul 16
for August 2016 is now available for viewing as a pdf file.

To view the latest Birkie Bulletin, all you need to do is click the link in this email message and the pdf file will open in your web browser. Hint: To enlarge the text on the web page, use the following keyboard shortcuts: Windows: hold down Control then type +, Apple: hold down Command then type +

Alternatively, if you wish to save the newsletter to your computer, there are two options: 1. Save it from your Browser (File > Save) or 2. Go to the club’s website <Newsletters> and download the Birkie Bulletin pdf file. Hint: Right click the link and select ‘Save Link As…. or ‘Download Linked File As…’ depending on the browser you use. Past issues can also be accessed on the site.

Birkebeiner Bulletin – August 2016

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Hurry Last Chance to get a Club Jersey this season

Ronice & Michelle

Our lovely models are from left: President Ronice Goebel & Junior co-ordinator Michelle Forrer

Kerry Lucas is doing a second run of the very popular new Club Jersey’s.

Orders — must be in by Wednesday 3rd August for delivery pre-Hoppet.

Jerseys are Australian made by Kerry Lucas of SACUL Tawonga South. They are technical performance ski jerseys and manufactured from high quality, Italian, mid-weight, brushed fabric, offering excellent stretch, wind resistance and great thermal protection.

Click [HERE] to download a PDF order form & size chart or [HERE] for a Word version. Postage is $15.00 or arrange  pick up (Mob: 0407 814 114).

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Junior Joey#1 & Birkie Junior Coaching info.

Skate_poles_kidsJunior Joey#1 is happening this Sunday 3rd July. Meet at 11 am at the Nordic Bowl. This program caters for primary aged kids of all levels.

Because of this event,  the Junior Birke session (for older more experienced juniors, usually occurring at 11 am will be at 1:30 pm so that Kristian (our new Norwegian coach) can assist with both sessions.

Also don’t forget the Club’s Birkebeiner Classic race (C) on Saturday 2nd July starting at 10:00 am in the Nordic Bowl. Enter at Windy Corner Day Shelter 8:30 am to 9:30 am. Distances: 10, 5 & 2.5 km. The 2.5 km distance is deal for juniors.

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Birkebeiner Bulletin – July 2016

Image 2016-06-29 at 9.39.00 PMWed, 29 Jun 16for July 2016 is now available for viewing as a pdf file.

To view the latest Birkie Bulletin, all you need to do is click the link in this email message and the pdf file will open in your web browser. Hint: To enlarge the text on the web page, use the following keyboard shortcuts: Windows: hold down Control then type +, Apple: hold down Command then type +

Alternatively, if you wish to save the newsletter to your computer, there are two options: 1. Save it from your Browser (File > Save) or 2. Go to the club’s website <Newsletters> and download the Birkie Bulletin pdf file. Hint: Right click the link and select ‘Save Link As…. or ‘Download Linked File As…’ depending on the browser you use. Past issues can also be accessed on the site.

Birkebeiner Bulletin – July 2016

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New Club Jerseys for sale

Out with the old and in with the NEW………. jackets that is!

Orders — must be in by 30th June for delivery mid July 2016.

Jerseys are Australian made by Kerry Lucas of SACUL Tawonga South. They are technical performance ski jerseys and manufactured from high quality, Italian, mid-weight, brushed fabric, offering excellent stretch, wind resistance and great thermal protection.

Click [HERE] to download a PDF order form or [HERE] for a Word order form.
Postage is $15.00 or arrange to be picked up (Mob: 0407 814 114).

Image 2016-06-25 at 3.11.21 PMSat, 25 Jun 16

Club Jacket #2Club jacket #1

Our models: Vice president Blair Hume, and partner, Julie Smith

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Pre-Season Casserole Dinner – Sat 11th June

When: 6.00 pm Saturday 11th June 2016
Where: Outdoor School – Bogong Village
RSVP: By Wednesday 8th June to Kerry Lucas (Social Secretary)

Please note: As a courtesy to Kerry, the volunteer organiser, please let her know by the RSVP date if you will be attending.  Do not just turn up! That would be very rude. Tel: 03 5754 1341, Mob: 0407 814 114

  • Parking — It would be best to drop off food and passengers then park down at  Bogong Jack’s Cafe. Parking is limited around the School.
  • Food — Bring food to share (singles – a casserole or dessert, families – casserole and dessert), plus your own drinks and glasses. There are plastic beakers for kids’ drinks. Plates and utensils are provided.
  • Children — Main course dinner for the children will be served first at 6.30 and then be supervised by some of the older children.

Guest Speaker

Image 2016-06-06 at 3.15.13 PMMon, 6 Jun 16Club member Ewan Silvester (Yackandandah)Ewan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Ecology, Environment and Evolution at La Trobe University (Albury-Wodonga Campus). Ewan and his wife Johanna are very active members of the club, with two young boys, Tommi and Harry, who are keen and very good racers. 

Ewan will talk about the research activities of his group, focused on and around the Bogong High Plains. This work is primarily directed towards understanding the role of alpine peatlands in headwater stream hydrology, and the links between the distributions of wetland vegetation and water composition. Click [HERE] to view a profile of Ewan and the work he does.

Ewan, thank you for offering to be our guest speaker this year.

  • The Ian Ryan Club Award will be presented.
  • Second hand equipment sale. (Bring it along, someone may buy it. Label it with your name and the asking price.)
  • DVD’s and other activities for the kids.
  • Lots of talk. It’s a great night to meet members and get fired up for the coming season.
  • New and old members most welcome.
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Birkebeiner Bulletin – June 2016

Image 2016-06-02 at 5.55.41 PMThu, 2 Jun 16for June 2016 is now available for viewing as a pdf file.

To view the latest Birkie Bulletin, all you need to do is click the link in this email message and the pdf file will open in your web browser. Hint: To enlarge the text on the web page, use the following keyboard shortcuts: Windows: hold down Control then type +, Apple: hold down Command then type +

Alternatively, if you wish to save the newsletter to your computer, there are two options: 1. Save it from your Browser (File > Save) or 2. Go to the club’s website <Newsletters> and download the Birkie Bulletin pdf file. Hint: Right click the link and select ‘Save Link As…. or ‘Download Linked File As…’ depending on the browser you use. Past issues can also be accessed on the site.

Birkebeiner Bulletin – June 2016

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Annual General Meeting – Wed. 18th May 2016

The Clubs 39th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday 18th May 2016 starting at 7:30pm in the Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre Tennis Court Ave. Mount Beauty.

Meeting reports — Reports on the past years activities come from the following: president, treasurer and sub-committees: race, junior, clubhouse and search & rescue.

Meeting elections — Office bearers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) will be elected. A number (to be decided at the AGM) of ordinary committee member positions will also be elected usually with designated portfolios. These can include for example, social secretary, membership secretary, Bulletin editor, website administrator, volunteer co-ordinator and sub-committee convenors (Race, Junior, S&R and Clubhouse). Some of these roles would be volunteer non-committee positions.

If you are interested in an executive position or as an ordinary committee member please  let our secretary Doug Hamilton know. For a Nomination Form click [HERE]. The Form is in Word format so can be downloaded, filled in on the computer and emailed to the Secretary. Alternatively a Form can be downloaded, printed off, filled in and mailed to Birkebeiner Nordic Ski Club, PO Box 192, Mount Beauty 3699. Forms can also be handed in at the AGM. The club also has a number of sub-committees i.e. race, junior, clubhouse and search & rescue. If you would like to assist on one of these please indicate your interest either on the Form or at the AGM.

Proxy voting: A member may appoint another member as his or her proxy to vote and speak on his or her behalf at the AGM. This must be in writing and signed by the member who is appointing the proxy. Get them to hand it in at the AGM.

Forms to the secretary Doug Hamilton prior to the AGM Wednesday 18th May — Email: <>  Telephone: (03) 5754 4323.

A great supper will be served following the meeting with lots of socialising included.

Todays ‘extra’ working bee

Doug Hamilton pointing the way to the new Clubhouse access track from Windy Corner

Doug Hamilton pointing the way to the new Clubhouse access track from Windy Corner


Birkebeiner NSC sign re-placed on the Clubhouse following last years renovations. Left: Brian Keeble & Doug Hamilton

Birkebeiner NSC sign re-placed on the Clubhouse following last years renovations. Left: Brian Keeble & Doug Hamilton

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2016 Melbourne Nordic Gear Sale – Tuesday 24th May 7–10 pm.

The 2016 Melbourne Nordic Gear Sale will be held in Kew on Tuesday 24 May, from 7-10 pm.

Click this link to see more details  MNSC website.


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Club Working Bee – Saturday 7th May at Falls Creek

The annual Working Bee is held to get the Clubhouse ready for the winter and to assist Falls Creek Resort Management with trail work that benefits all skiers.

If you are available please let Secretary – Doug Hamilton know by Thursday 5th April. Mob:  0431 248 298 or Email: <>. Indicate your preference for the Clubhouse clean up or Race Hut clean up/trail work. Once Doug has a list of volunteers he will email out details about where to meet and what time.

We would like to know who is attending so jobs can be allocated, and also for BBQ lunch catering. It also enables us to contact you in case forecast weather conditions require cancellation or postponement.

Please support this initiative and put your hand up.

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