Level One Coach Course

Posted on behalf of Ronice:

Hi Everyone,

The following course info points out you can do this for “your own personal knowledge” if you are just seeking to help out juniors or your club (at a reduced rate). If you are an older junior skier you may also be interested.

Tutty is back and Valerio will also be presenting.

Details can be found here  https://www.skiandsnowboard.org.au/events/18702/

Here is a summary:

Level 1 XC Coach Course – Dryland/Theory

  Sat 12 May 2018 09:00 – Sun 13 May 2018 16:00


A Level 1 XC Coach Course will be held in Wangaratta on May 12/13. This course covers training principles and dryland training, and will be presented by 2016 Winter Youth Olympic Coach Alasdair Tutt and current AUSXC Head Coach Valerio Leccardi.

The course will be delivered through presentations, group activities and practical demonstrations. Workshop topics include: Conditioning for XC skiing; Program Planning; Mental Training; Competition Preparation; Sports Nutrition; Age Appropriate Training Activities. Practical sessions include: strength training, hill bounding and rollerskiing.

The course venue will be confirmed soon. The cost of the course is $275 (incl. GST), the preliminary course times are as follows:
9:30am – 5:00pm Saturday May 12
9:00am – 4:00pm Sunday May 13

For participants who are attending the course for their own knowledge, and who will not require to have either practical or theory components assessed following the course, the cost is $165 (incl.GST). A special group rate has been arranged for volunteers with the Wangaratta Junior Training Group – these volunteers should contact Peter Dewez for details.

Please note participants should supply their own hill bounding poles and rollerski equipment if they have them. If not, some equipment may be possible to borrow from the SSAXC DiscoverXC Roll With It equipment pool.

Participants are expected to complete the Australian Sports Commission’s online Community Coaching General Principles, prior to attending the course. Once completed a copy of the certificate should be emailed to the SSAXC Program Director

For more information contact:

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Roller skiing is great ski specific training and fun.  UNSAFE AND ANNOYING behaviour of roller skiers has been observed recently. This may not be locals, BUT as a reminder, here are some fundamental safety guidelines that when observed, will also demonstrate respect for the public and avoidance of HAZARDOUS behaviour. Whilst this is directed to people in the Kiewa and Ovens Valley, it is applicable everywhere.

It is the responsibility of the individual to roller ski in a safe manner. Due care and common sense must be exercised and surface and weather conditions assessed.


  • wear a helmet at all times
  • wear bright highly visible clothing or a HIGH VIS vestA flashing rear light is a plus (as on bikes)
  • avoid roller skiing at dusk, and do not ski in the dark
  • keep to the left hand side of the road, and when vehicles approach DOUBLE POLE  or use classic ski technique (to minimise the space you take up)
  • When traffic is coming in BOTH DIRECTIONS get off the road
  • Ski under control. If in doubt, walk down steep hills or intentionally fall before reaching an unsafe speed 
  • Do not wear ear phones, “ipods” or other electronic devices that may decrease your ability to hear and react to any situation 
  • When Dams Rd is used, the “Athletes Training Roller Ski Sign” should be visible
  • DO NOT ski on Kiewa Valley Highway
  • In general it is recognised that wheeled recreational devices are not to be used on roads with dividing lines or median strips, and that common sense must prevail. There are many roads falling within a theoretically acceptable definition that may be potentially hazardous, so once again, common sense and being mindful of drivers unfamiliar with this activity and form of training is vital.


The BNSC Roller Ski Policy will be available on the BNSC website shortly.

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Saturday 12th May – Autumn Working Bee on Falls Creek Trails

Date – 12th May
Times – 9:00am – 4:00pm (1 hr for lunch BBQ provided by club)

Greetings Birkebeiners,

The last club working bee was an enormous success and enjoyed by the many that participated. The 2nd Working Bee is scheduled for Saturday 12th May (we won’t do Sunday 13th as previously stated as it is Mother’s Day, so don’t forget your paternal duties…)

Proposed jobs list for the two days:

  • Replace Nordic Bowl ski rack dowel with hooks
  • Horse-yards Hoppet storage shed
    • Storage shelving for Hoppet Drink Station water containers (there’s hundreds!)
    • Create race signage racks for improved deployment pre Hoppet by volunteers
    • New access door to be installed on eastern wall for improved access
    • Bracing of stumps
  • Re-locate 5 AGL pine poles on Aqueduct to uphill side of Aqueduct for improved groomer access
  • Clear snow gums – Aqueduct trail from BHP crossing to Horseyards
  • Clear culvert outlet on BHP Rd between RV Lookout and Dam Wall to prevent saturation of the ski trail
  • Brush Cutting
    • Aitkens
    • Pipeline Track to Aqueduct
    • Aqueduct to Windy Corner
  • Rock pick on Hoppet Start (Backhoe/Tipper -weather permitting)
  • FCRM to supply machinery (Backhoe/Tipper Truck) and hand tools as per previous Working Bees
  • PV to supply brush-cutting/chainsaw equipment and hand tools as per previous Working Bees

Also, it would be great if we could get some re-alignment and clearing done on Ropers if we have the opportunity.

Anyone keen to make a weekend of it can stay gratis at the Nelse Lodge at Bogong Village on the Saturday night.

Please bring your personal protective equipment (PPE). i.e. work gloves, safety glasses, sunscreen, clothing for all seasons, etc and any tools you feel may help with the above tasks. Rob Bolland is our professional carpenter and will supply tools to suit.

Please feel free to come up and help for a few hours or all day. It’s always fun, social and very productive.

Regards, Blair

Please RSVP  to Blair Hume – Email: blair.hume@parks.vic.gov.au or mobile: 0427 817 262 by Sunday 29th April and let him know how you think you can best help out.

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Club Weekend Working Bee Report

Last weekend (2/3 March 2018) the club conducted a working bee on the Falls Creek XC Trails and also around the Hoppet Horseyard Hut. This was done in conjunction with Falls Creek Resort Management (Geoff Sorenson) and Parks Victoria (Kevin Cosgriff).

Thanks to Blair Hume who co-ordinated the working bee with Geoff and Kevin and club members.

Saturday saw work being done to realign 18 snow poles in The Park area (the area skied once you reach the top of the ‘Paralyser‘ on Watchbed Creek Rd) leading to the start of the Heathy Spur Track. This will enable earlier grooming in lower snow conditions. The poles now follow the road instead of over the marsh and moss areas.

In the afternoon work involved clearing vegetation/trees to improve snowmobile access to the Hoppet Horseyard Hut. This hut houses Hoppet signage, fencing, barriers, podium, drink station water containers, ski trail markers etc. This will be of enormous help in the weeks leading up to race day.

Sunday saw the team continue with more clearing to improve access to the Horseyard Hut, some tree removal around the Hoppet start area and the placing of some snow poles in that area.

Working Bee #2 — Another working bee is planned for the weekend of 12-13 May 2018, meeting at the clubhouse at 10:30 am.  Please let  Blair know if you will be attending – by Wednesday 9th May 2018. 
• Email: blairhume@yahoo.com.au 
• Mobile: 0427 817 262

Jeanette McLaren & Jim Gargan showing off their culinary skills at the lunch BBQ.

Hoppet Horseyard Hut access from below. A new access track has been made from the BHP Rd above it.

Some serious work getting done at the Hoppet start. From left: Russ Bellingham, Jim Gargan & Karen Howe.

From left: Blair Hume, Jim Gargan, Paul L’Huillier & Karen Howe.

Members in attendance: Blair Hume, Jim Crebbin, Jeannette McLaren, Karen Howe, Jim Gargan, Russ Bellingham, Nick Wright and Paul L’Huillier.

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A Reminder: Working Bee on Falls Creek Trails this W’end

Blair Hume co-ordinator of this weekends Club Working Bee on the Falls Creek Trails  would like to know if you intend to assist.

Please RSVP  to Blair Hume – by Wednesday 28th February 2018. 
• Email: blairhume@yahoo.com.au 
• Mobile: 0427 817 262

Read more about the Working Bee below:
Continue reading

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Club has Three Winter Olympians for Sth Korea

Congratulations to the following three club members who have been selected for the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games in South Korea starting today 9th February 2018. The Games conclude on 25th February. The first XC event is on Saturday 10th February – the ladies’ 7.5km + 7.5km Skiathlon.

  • Phillip Bellingham — Mount Beauty – Victoria (also competed at the Sochi Winter Games in Russia in 2014)
  • Aimee Watson — Barooga – NSW (also competed at the Sochi Winter Games in Russia in 2014)
  • Casey Wright — Launching Place – Victoria

Others in the team are Barbara Jezersek (NSW), Jessica Yeaton (WA) and Callum Watson (NSW).

Opening Ceremony — Channel 7 starting at 8:30 pm tonight .

Download the ‘AUS Team‘ App to your smartphone or tablet (iPad). This is  the Official App of the Australian Olympic Team. It has all the athlete profiles, schedules, results, news, videos etc. With the Channel 7 App ‘OlympicsOn7‘ App you will be able to view view eight different feeds. Hopefully plenty of XC. They possible will have a ‘catch up’ function if you miss events.

Phillip Bellingham

Aimee Watson

Casey Wright

Also congratulations to new Mount Beauty resident Valerio Leccardi (National XC Coach) who is the head coach of the team with Finn Marsland (National XC Program Director) also part of the coaching/management team.

The club is very proud of all its past Olympians:

  • Chris Heberle (1988 Calgary, Canada)
  • Paul Gray (1992 Albertville, France & 1998 Nagano, Japan)
  • Mark Gray (1994 Lillehammer, Norway)
  • Paul Murray (2006 Torino, Italy & 2010 Vancouver, Canada)
  • Esther Bottomley (2006 Torino, Italy, 2010 Vancouver, Canada &  2014 Sochi Russia)
  • Phillip Bellingham (2014 Sochi, Russia)

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Working Bees – Falls Creek Trails (March & May)

Summer Working Bee — W/End 3rd & 4th March 2018
Autumn Working Bee — W/End 12th & 13th May 2018

Times – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (1 hr for lunch BBQ Lunch provided by the club)

Some of the tasks we have been discussing;

  1. Horse Yards Hut (Hoppet Storage Hut);
  • Improved shelving/storage options.
  • Improved winter access.
  • Access door on the Eastern Wall (clear of snow shedding)
  1. Re-Locate AGL pine poles on the Aqueduct to the other side of the water way to improve snow grooming machinery access.
  2. Vegetation management on trails as allowed. I will be able to note down the resort trails we can work on this summer in due course.
  3. A final Rock pick/tidy up on the Dam Wall South bench.
  4. Re-location of Pine Poles at the start of Ropers Trail.
  5. Re-location of Pine Poles on Heathy Spur above the Paralyser to the RHS (looking up) of 4WD trails.
  6. Spring (Autumn) clean of the club house.

There will be a short induction to cover Health &Safety and ground rules. Please bring your favourite tools to complete above tasks that interest you and appropriate personal protective equipment.

Geoff Sorenson from Resort Management should be able to attend all dates and will be able to provide machinery support if required (Backhoe/Isuzu Truck etc.) We’ll also have a professional carpenter club member on site equipped with their own tools. Parks Victoria will also donate the use of a variety of gear.

The above list of tasks is preliminary only, please feel free to add to it.

I am currently liaising with YMCA on a discounted rate for accommodation at Howmans Gap for those who would like to take up the offer, more details to come.

Please feel free to come up and help for a few hours or all four days. It’s always fun, social and very productive with many past projects creating the wonderful resource that we all enjoy each winter.

RSVP  to Blair Hume – Email: blairhume@yahoo.com.au or mobile: 0427 817 262 by Wednesday 28th February 2018 and let him know how you think you can best help out.

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Phil Bellingham qualifies for Dresden World Cup Sprint

Perseverance, hard work and dedication has finally paid off for Phil Bellingham who last weekend qualified for the Dresden – West Germany World Cup Sprint after many years of trying. Phil, congratulations, a top effort.

For those members not familiar with XC Sprint Racing the skiers race an interval start time-trial over the course distance of ~1.5km. The top 30 skiers then move onto the heats which there are five of with six skiers in each. Phil achieved a 27th placing in the time trial. His first top 30 placing in a World Cup. The top two place getters in each heat then move onto the semifinals which there are two of. Then the final is conducted with six skiers.

Phil drew a tough heat that included world champion Federico Pellegrino (Italy) and finished sixth.

Phil Bellingham acknowledging the crowd at the start of his heat.

Phil’s qualifying position in the time-trial

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National Teams Program Update

To read the latest National Teams News — Click [HERE] 

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A Reminder – Annual End of Season BBQ: Sat 18th Nov 2017

    • When: Saturday 18th November.
    • Where: In the picnic area by the lake in Mount Beauty.
    • Time: From 5:30 p.m.

What to bring

We will provide the meat (and vegie burgers for those who prefer them), as well as bread and sauce.

You’ll need to bring your own chair, cutlery, plates, drinks, plus, for families, a salad and a sweet to share (singles and couples – please bring a salad OR a sweet to share).

RSVP to Kerry Lucas (social secretary) by Thursday 16th November:
Email: <km.lucas@bigpond.com> or Mobile: 0407 814 114

As a courtesy to Kerry, please let her know you will be coming and if you need vegetarian food (or else BYO meat!!) If you don’t reply, we will assume you are not coming so we don’t over-order. It also makes it easier to contact you if the weather necessitates a change of venue.

If you decide to come at the last minute, please bring your own meat!


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