2018 NZ Merino Muster Worldloppet Event



The 2018 NZ Merino Muster Worldloppet Event was conducted on Saturday 1st September at the Snow Farm, Cardrona, New Zealand. There were 288 entrants from 19 nations.

Click [HERE] for a full list of Results and[HERE] for the Media Release.

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Mini Series concludes for 2018

Hello Everyone,

Well done to all who ventured out today for Telemark Nordic Ski Club’s Snow Trek & Travel Mini Series #4. The weather for our final event did not live up to our usual of blue skies and sunshine but nevertheless we had a great race day.

Telemark would like to thank those who participated in one or more of this year’s Mini Series events, we hope you’ve “caught the bug” of cross country skiing! Thank you to all who have assisted us during the season with setting up, bib collection, drinks and packing up. Your help has been greatly appreciated and has helped make the mini series possible.  A massive congratulations to those kids who have taken on the role of officials during the adults/open mini series events! Your efforts and willingness to help has allowed your parents to join in on all the fun also!! So on behalf of all the adults thank you kids!!! Job well done! Congratulations also goes to the 11 children and 2 adults who completed all four Snow Trek & Travel Mini Series events for 2018. Awesome job!

Click [HERE] to view results.

Thank you to the Falls Creek Groomers for your continued support of our Mini Series events and for providing us with great tracks. Thanks also to the Birkebeiner NSC for the use of their snowmobile.

A massive thank you to our sponsor Snow Trek & Travel Wodonga for their continued support of our Mini Series events and for providing this year’s fantastic spot prizes. For all your cross country skiing advice or equipment see Peter Crange and his team at 161 High Street Wodonga or telephone (02) 6056 6605.

If you have had fun this year, please tell your friends and bring them along to our 2019 Snow Trek & Travel Mini Series Events.

For those who have competed during the miniseries but were not able to be at the presentations today, we will send out your diploma via email as soon as possible.

Happy Father’s Day  to all the Dad’s and we look forward to seeing you again next year.

Lynn-Maree Cullen
Snow Trek & Travel Wodonga Mini Series Coordinator
Telemark Nordic Ski Club
Mobile: 0409 592 226
Email: lmc0511@gmail.com
Website: www.tnsc.com.au


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Birkies on Top in Hoppet #28

The club had much success in Hoppet #28 — congratulations to all participants and thank you to the  huge club and non-club volunteer force organised by Nick Wright.

Kangaroo Hoppet (42 km) — Men

  1. Valerio Leccardi (a four time winner) and now a resident of Mount Beauty.
  2. Phillip Bellingham (also second in 2017)
    Nick Montgomery (9th), Michael Brennan (10th) & Ian Franzke (12th).

Note: Also special mention of junior Jarrah Forrer who completed his first Kangaroo Hoppet finishing in 14th place out of 240 participants in 2:03:13.

Women (42 km)

  1. —–
  2. —–
  3. Cambria McDermott (USA Birkie resident coach). For 2018 we will claim her as one of us.

Note: The club had four women in the top ten i.e. Casey Wright (5th), Esther Leccardi (7th), Aimee Watson (9th) & Katerina Paul (10th).

Birkebeiner (21 km) — Men

  1. Nick Blackwell (a significant win for Nick who also took out a Junior National Title this season).

Note: Tom McMahon (5th), Liam Flanagan (8th) & Daneil Van de Ploeg (10th).

Women (21 km)

  1. Darcie Morton (new junior club member from Marlo in Gippsland). This is the second year Darcie has won the Birkie. Well done.
  2. —–
  3. Brianna Oldis

Note: The club had four other women in the top ten i.e. Hannah Price (4th), Ayla Armitage (8th), Lola Timewell (9th) & Margeaux Thompson (10th).

Joey Hoppet (7 km) — Men

  1. —-
  2. Patrick Manning
  3. Tommi Silvester

Note: Ash Forrer (4th) & Jayden Spring (7th).

Women (7 km)

  1. —–
  2. Leila Pammer
  3. —–

Note: Nicola Smith (5th), India Zwar (8th) & Mia Green (10th).

2018 Kangaroo Hoppet ResultsClick [HERE]

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Pick My Project Funding Program – please vote!

Pick My Project is a Victorian-first community grants initiative, with at least $1 million in funding available in each metro and regional area.

Mount Beauty and the community needs your help to secure support and funding for a project that has been ongoing for many years i.e. the Pebble Beach Walking Track Extension that follows the West Kiewa River past the Mt Beauty Holiday Centre Caravan Park.

How do you vote?

  • Register at pickmyproject.vic.gov.au (must be 16 years of age or older);
  • Select your location to view projects within that area. The Mount Beauty projects (there are five) can be viewed by clicking [HERE].
  • You can only vote once and you must vote for three projects so please include Run, walk, ride with the flow, beyond Pebble Beach as one of them.
  • Vote – You will be asked to confirm your mobile phone no. and will receive an SMS with a verification code to complete the process;
  •  Please remember to share your vote across your social media channels to spread the word of the opportunity for our community; and
  • Voting closes Monday, 17th September 2018 at 5:00 pm.


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Another BIG Club Weekend-Open Aust Champs & Junior Program

Australian Open Sprint F (Saturday 18/8/2018) and Distance 5/10 km C (Sunday 19/8/2018) Championships at Falls Creek. Sprint starts at 9:30 am and Distance 10:00 am.

Click [HERE] to enter.

The dedicated small Club Race Committee headed by race secretary Ann Bellingham is looking for helpers this weekend. If you feel you can assist in some capacity please email Ann <racesecretary@birkebeiner.org.au> and include your telephone# ASAP and she will be in contact with you.

Session#6 of the Junior Program Sunday 19/8/2018. Click [HERE] for details.

Kangaroo Hoppet Saturday 25th August — Click [HERE] to enter.

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Ski de Femme & Rocky Valley Rush Report

Ski de Femme held Saturday 11th August

The 25th Ski de Femme held on Saturday had 145 women register, (Could be a record!)  so along with coaches and helpers, about 160 hardy women made it to the Nordic Bowl. The organisers did a fabulous job pulling it all together in fairly tough conditions. A great team of coaches and helpers worked really hard, putting up the tent, preparing the refreshments, taking the race entries, giving out the bibs, selecting the spot prize winners doing the presentations then packing everything up afterwards. And of course the 15 volunteer coaches were appreciated for their tips and encouragement. Helen L’Huillier who started Ski de Femme along with Jenny Van Der Ploeg generously turned up again to help!

Marg Jowitt loaded the skidoo with the equipment and food and drink at the clubhouse, drove it up to the bowl, chose and marked the course collected the markers afterwards, packed the skidoo again drove it back to the clubhouse and unpacked everything before putting the skidoo away in the shed. Amazing, seeing she hadn’t been on the machine yet this year.

The hot tea, scones and jam & cream after the instruction clinics were welcomed before the fun race, and the post race brownies supplied by BRAZEN BROWNIES at the finish line a hit! Plenty of Spot Prizes donated by local business were rewards for donning a bib and skiing or racing the 1, 2 or 4 km loop.

Special thanks to our major supporters FCRM, YMCA Cross Country Ski Centre and Brazen Brownies. Other lucky women won sport massages (Impact Massage Mt Beauty) a Sassy Road voucher, Sweet Water beer packs, Hoppet wine, coffee and treats vouchers from Wonderland EMPORIUM, the Mt Beauty Bakery and the Rose Garden Cafe.

Thanks to everyone. All in all it was a fantastic effort by our club members.
Report by Ronice Goebel — co-ordinator

Results of the 2018 Rocky Valley Rush & Sun Valley Ramble held today Sunday 12th August. Click [HERE] to view. Thanks to Michal Trnka (Alpine Timing) and his assistant Bill Little for timing the race.

Ski de Femme — it’s a tradition

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Update – Junior program this Sunday 12th August

The Junior Joeys and Joey Gliders will meet at 11:00 am in the Nordic Bowl — (note: the club is running the Rocky Valley Rush starting at 10:30 am so the bowl could be busy, please look for Aliena Oldis).

The Junior Birkies and Junior Racers to meet at the Nordic Bowl at the scheduled time of 1:00 pm.

Remember – ‘a big club weekend coming up’
Ski de Femme this Saturday — Registration is essentialPlease click [HERE] then just follow the instructions i.e. go to single registration or family registration.

Rocky Valley Rush & Sun Valley Ramble this Sunday — Online Entry — Please click [HERE] then just follow the instructions i.e. go to single registration or family registration.

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2018 Hotham to Dinner Plain ‘Pub to Pub’ XC Ski Race Results

This was the 23th running of the Hotham to Dinner Plain ‘Pub to Pub’ XC Ski Race. The race was first held in 1994 and cancelled only twice because there was no snow. It’s long time sponsor has been Ajays Snow Country Sports — Heathmont Vic.

Birkebeiner had 22 members competing in the 12 km (F) race out of a total field of 134 skiers. Men’s winner was Ben Derrick (Ben has won this event so many times he owns it!) and Women’s winner was our own resident USA coach Cambria McDermott.

Mick Sinclair <Database Strategies> has been the main man behind this event since its inception. Well done Mick.

Click [HERE] to view the 2018 Results and also the archived results from 1994.

Remember – ‘a big club weekend coming up’
Ski de Femme this Saturday — Registration is essentialPlease click [HERE] then just follow the instructions i.e. go to single registration or family registration.

Rocky Valley Rush & Sun Valley Ramble this Sunday — Online Entry — Please click [HERE] then just follow the instructions i.e. go to single registration or family registration.

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Upcoming Events

Sunday 5th August — Snow Trek & Travel – Wodonga Mini Series #3 (Classical).

Starting at 11:00 am in the Falls Creek Nordic Bowl. Entries at Windy Corner Day Shelter 9:30 am to 10:30 am. If you have a Junior Joey or Junior Birkie in the family the Mini Series is the best way to get them interested in the sport of XC Skiing.

Saturday 11th AugustSki de Femme starting at 10:00 am in the Falls Creek Nordic Bowl. Event comprises instruction in the morning with a fun race starting about noon. Many spot prizes following the event.

Registration is essentialPlease click [HERE] then just follow the instructions i.e. go to single registration or family registration.

Sunday 12th AugustRocky Valley Rush & Sun Valley Ramble

Online Entry — Please click [HERE] then just follow the instructions i.e. go to single registration or family registration.

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Valerio Leccardi’s four week Hoppet training program

Valerio has put together a four week training program that can be followed leading up to this years Hoppet on Saturday 25th August.

Valerio is a Swiss Winter Olympian, a three time Kangaroo Hoppet winner and is currently the coach of the Australian Cross Country Ski Team.

Click [HERE] to locate the training program on the Kangaroo Hoppet Home Page. Open in your web browser then select File > Save As to save the file for future reference.

National Junior Championship Results — 28/29 July Perisher Valley NSW

Click [HERE] to view the — Final Sprint (F) results and [HERE] the Distance (C) results.

Ski de Femme – Saturday 11th August
Registration is essential — Please click [HERE] 
then just follow the instructions.

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