
Club activities include:

  • Instruction via an Overseas Coach/Instructor. This has been provided every year since 2011 (not done since the COVID years)
  • Junior ski training from March to September (Off-snow & On-snow)
  • Junior camp in the July school holidays.
  • Conducting four Junior Joey days each winter for Primary School age skiers.
  • Organising on-snow coaching for Junior Birkies (Secondary students) on designated weekend days throughout the winter.
  • An annual pre-season family Casserole Dinner in  June.
  • Mid-Season Dinner in late July.
  • End-of-year family BBQ in December.
  • Ski de Femme day for girls and women in early August.
  • Free On-snow instructing days for beginners and intermediate skiers.
  • Day and half-day Ski-touring trips.
  • Conducting several races at Falls Creek, including the Birkebeiner Classic, Ski De Femme, Rocky Valley Rush, Kangaroo Hoppet and National Championships (senior & junior).
  • Maintaining a Search and Rescue Group which is affiliated with Bushwalking Victoria’s – Bush Search & Rescue.
  • Working Bees that assist the Falls Creek Resort with trail planning, development and maintenance.
  • Providing manpower to conduct the Kangaroo Hoppet Worldloppet ski race each year.

Club Services include:

  • Producing a newsletter, ‘The Birkebeiner Bulletin, ‘ 3-4 times yearly.
  • Regular communication via website Posts which goes to members via email
  • Conducts National and State Junior and Senior Championships for Snow Australia as required.
  • A day Clubhouse above Windy Corner Falls Creek (opened 1 June 1996).
  • Use of Roller Skis & Double Pole machine for dry-land training.
  • Financial support for members includes grants for national team members, support for club juniors (Junior Joey’s & Junior Birkie’s), subsidies for juniors to attend national and state championships, subsidies to attend courses (Instructor, Coaching, and Officiating -TD’s), and special projects.
  • Providing its own Race Equipment (with assistance from the Kangaroo Hoppet). Namely: audio system in the Race Hut, portable radios, club Skidoo and two trailers, fencing, Vee Boards, flags and polycarbonate fence poles. It lends this to other ski clubs and organisations.
  • Maintaining the club Skidoo.
  • Maintaining the Jack Heberle Race Hut in the Nordic Bowl.

A Typical Annual Program

  • May: Annual General Meeting
  • Pre-season working bee (clubhouse, race hut & trails)
  • June: Casserole Dinner & membership drive.
  • July:
    • Junior camp.
    • Birkebeiner Classic (2.5, 5 & 10km-C).
    • Junior Joey Program.
    • Junior Birkie Program.
    • Club Instruction.
    • Mid-season Dinner.
  • August/September
    • Ski de Femme (instruction & fun race)
    • Rocky Valley Rush Race
    • Junior Joey Program.
    • Junior Birkie Program.
    • Club Instruction.
    • National  Championships (Senior – every year & Junior – every 2nd year)
    • Kangaroo Hoppet Ski Race (7, 21, 42km-F)
  • December
    • End of season B-B-Q and presentations.