Help make Falls Creek’s great Cross-country ski trails even better.
General maintenance and development of ski trails will be undertaken in consultation with Ben Derrick from Falls Creek Resort Management and Parks Victoria.
Information about specific jobs will be provided before the event.
A BBQ lunch will be provided by Birkebeiner Nordic Ski Club on both days. BNSC will also have a Clubhouse working bee on the Sunday (18th May).
Low cost accommodation may be available in Mount Beauty and Tawonga South for Friday and Saturday nights.
Please contact Jim Gargan at if you can help out.
Please let Jim know if you can make it for all or any of the weekend. Any information about special skills or specialist tools appreciated (e.g. have chainsaw and can use, brushcutter, power trimmer on pole, trailer, heavy duty mower, etc.)
Hope to see you there.
Jim Gargan