Please RSVP if you intend to come to the start of season Casserole Dinner Friday 14th June — email the secretary <> Note: Special guests Tommy Silverster and Ash Forrer will give a presentation on their recently completed Australian Alps Walking Track adventure covering 650 km which took them four weeks — we have to be impressed by these 15 year olds!

Birkie Junior Development Camp
- When: Saturday 13th – 14th July 2019
- Where: Outdoor School Bogong Village & Falls Creek Ski Resort
- Cost: $50.00 members, $75.00 non-members (includes $25.00 student membership)
- Expressions of interest at this stage to: Organiser Browyn Gray – email <> or mobile: 0402 105 237 (text)
- Application Form — Shortly members will receive an email including an application form and method of payment.
- Website link <>
2019/20 Committee
- Executive
- President: Ewan Silvester
- Vice President: Michelle Forrer (social secretary & junior convenor)
- Secretary: Ronice Goebel
- Treasurer: Jeanette McLaren
- Committee members
- Nick Wright (membership secretary & skidoo steward)
- Ann Bellingham (race secretary)
- Peter Smith (clubhouse manager)
- Paul Gray (acting treasurer for 6 months)
- Blair Hume
- Allan Marsaland (KHoppet rep)
- Mal Oldis (new committee person)
- Warren Sanders (new committee person)
There are a number of portfolio positions filled by non-committee people:
• Kate Prest (Bulletin editor)
• Ian Franzke (search & rescue and skidoo mechanic)
• Ronice Goebel (ski de femme co-ordinator)
• Paul L’Huillier (website administrator)
• Bill Little & Ronice Goebel (Hoppet Board reps)
2019/20 Membership is now due.
Please click [HERE] to join.