AGM Reminder – Tue 18th May & other early-season News

The BNSC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 7:30 pm on Tuesday 18th May 2021 at the Mount Beauty Auditorium at the Information Centre.

Members will be able to attend the meeting online using the Zoom Video Conferencing application or attend in person.  A quorum for the AGM requires at least 25 members to be present either in person/Zoom or by proxy.

To attend via Zoom, email the secretary <>by 5:00 pm Monday 17th May indicating your intention to join the meeting. You will then be emailed the invitation. 

CHANGES TO BNSC CONSTITUTION – A number of Special Resolutions will be tabled at the AGM to make changes to the BNSC Constitution.  Click [HERE] to read the proposed changes and the background behind them. Click [HERE] to read the DRAFT BNSC Constitution – May 2021.

MEETING REPORTS — Reports on the past year’s activities come from the following: President, Treasurer, race committee, junior committee, membership secretary, clubhouse steward, social secretary and search & rescue coordinator. 
Race Committee — Ann Bellingham
Membership — Nick Wright
Junior — Michelle Forrer & Ronice Goebel
Kangaroo Hoppet — Allan Marsland
Social — Elaine Thomas

NOMINATIONS — If you are interested in an executive position or ordinary committee role please complete a Nomination FormClick [HERE]. The Form is in Word format so it can be downloaded, filled in and emailed to <> by 5:00 pm Monday 17th May. Alternatively, a form can be downloaded, printed off, filled in and mailed to Birkebeiner Nordic Ski Club, PO Box 192, Mount Beauty 3699. The club also has a number of sub-committees i.e. race, junior, clubhouse and search & rescue. If you would like to assist with one of these please indicate your interest on the form.



Proxy voting: A member may appoint another member as his or her proxy to vote and speak on his or her behalf at the AGM. This must be in writing and signed by the member who is appointing the proxy. Click [HERE] to download a Form in Word Format. Email it to the secretary by 5:00 pm Monday 17th May. The form can also be handed to the secretary prior to the start of the AGM.

The club relies on volunteers so please have a think about how
you can contribute the club in 2021/22. 

Mount Beauty Running Festival — Sat 15th May 2021

Celebrate our 40th anniversary

This is one of Australia’s most scenic foot races with an emphasis on fun for all the family. 

For the first time the Mount Beauty Running Festival has included a 14 km trail run through some of the iconic trails in the area.  The Half Marathon event, 10 km and 3km events have remained unchanged. 

Separate starts will take place at 10:00 am (21km), 10:05 a.m. (14km – Trail Run), 10:10am (10km) and 10:15am (3km).

Where: MBSC oval, Pool Road Mt Beauty Vic 3699 Australia.

  • 3km course is a flat track around Mt Beauty Pondage, with no road crossings – ideal for children and prams.
  • 10km course is a scenic out and back route along the undulating Damms Road at the base of Mt. Bogong.
  • 21km Half Marathon course follows the 10km route but continues further up Mountain Creek Road towards Mt. Bogong.
  • 14km Trail Run heads off-road and into the national park. It involves a scenic up and down course on single tracks and has a river crossing (so you will get your feet wet!). Read more about the Trail Run

Autumn is the perfect time for running in the North East, and we invite you to enjoy it with us!

The event is organised by Kangaroo Hoppet Inc.

To Enter visit <>

Birkie Junior Report

On the local front, a group of local juniors (The Birkie Junior Ski Team!) has been meeting each Monday after school for some roller skiing skills and agility sessions. This group has been organised by Paul Gray, Tim Retchford and Kate Duggan along with some assistance from other parents.

The latest session saw 21 keen juniors turn up. A big thank you to Mount Beauty Secondary College for their assistance with boots and poles and to Paul, Tim and Kate for creating this great pre-season opportunity for these juniors. Also, to Esther Bottomly and Nic Blackwell who will be doing some coaching with this group. Our club has agreed to buy extra roller skis and equipment that is needed with money raised with BBQ fundraising at Vic Juniors and donated funds allocated for our junior program. Contact Paul Gray — mobile: 0403 188 481 if you would like to get your children involved.

Birkie Bits by Nordic Ned

  • Important Dates
    Clubhouse Working BeeSaturday 5th June
    Casserole Dinner – Outdoor School-BogongSat 12th June. NOTEThe Clubhouse is officially opened to members today.
    • Mid-Season Dinner at Roi’s Thursday 15th July
    Note — More details of these events will be published closer to the dates.
  • The Birkie Award — a new club award (see the Shield below). This will be awarded for outstanding service and commitment to club programs & events. Nominations are called for the 2021 recipient. If you wish to nominate a worthy club member please write a short citation and email it to the secretary <> by Sunday 23rd May for consideration by the committee at their May meeting.
  • 25th Aniversary celebrations of the opening of the Clubhouse — A function at the clubhouse is planned for late spring 2021.
  • Race Hut work — Brian Keeble (Race Hut Manager) has been working on some improvements and the cleaning up of the gear storage and race office areas over the last few months ready for a full winter’s race program. Thanks, Brian.
  • Clubhouse workPeter Smith (Clubhouse Manager) has replaced the lock and has kept the door code the same. Brian Keeble has done some work on the door facing the Nordic Bowl and it can now be opened in an emergency. A ladder will be needed to exit the top floor. A new display cabinet will be installed soon. A working bee is being planned for Saturday 5th June. Details later. Clubhouse opens to members on Saturday 12th June.

Membership breakdown 2019/20

Thanks to our membership secretary Nick Wright who provided the above breakdown.

Australian Institute of Sport Testing

Pictured is our own winter olympian Casey Wright going all out on the AIS treadmill that has been built and adapted so it more closely resembles the classic stride in XC skiing.

Click this link to view two minutes of actual testing and an explanation of the testing protocols. <>. Remember to turn the sound on (bottom right on the video that appears).

The club’s new Birkie Award will be awarded each year for outstanding service and commitment to club programs & events. You can nominate somebody for this award by Sunday 23rd May. Send the citation to the secretary.
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